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Joseph Pingel |
I'm Joseph Pingel and my goal is to make you a better musician before your time. I have an edge to my viewpoint and hope you find it refreshing and new.
My Search
I searched all my life for the Grail-Concept to playing by ear. I thought the "experts" knew more about this than me but found many of them to be confused as well. In the end, many answers were discovered in my own back yard where I had been digging for years. I just had to dig deeper.
Your Search
You're looking for the same things I was and I'll cut years off your search. The Grail is a mirage as you might perceive it; not just one thing but multi-faceted and there are rules. Follow me. I'll take you on my journeys and show you the path to becoming a more enlightened musician.
Get the Free Book
The Play By Ear Discovery is where it all begins. Download this book and read it. The information needs to "sink in" before it becomes clear so the sooner you get it, the better.
email: info@keyeduppiano.com
Website: Keyed Up Piano
Youtube: PianoLesson101
Mini-bio: I play the piano, guitar, ukulele and fiddle. I’m a writer, teacher and speaker; an archivist of old sheet music and 45-rpm records. I've got a house, two cars and a wedding ring; a couple kids, a couple dogs and computer work that keeps me busy in Denver, Colorado.